Lets talk Skincare

The skin is the body’s largest organ. Your skin protects from all the outside invaders be it pollutants, bacteria or even harmful rays of the sun. Just as your skin protects you, you should protect your skin. Skin is your outlook and you would want that to be fresh and glowing. Healthy skin is glowing skin and the maintenance of that glow and suppleness requires healthy eating habits and a consistent skincare routine that would involve a morning and evening routine. Exercise and good sleep also contribute to healthy, fresh skin.

Getting into what you’re really here for- a standard skincare routine. But first what other steps are the most essential contributing factors to a supple youthful skin


Good nutrition is one of the most essential steps of skincare. Skin needs all the vitamins and minerals it can get and all of them are derived from the food we eat. The most important ones being vitamin B12, Vitamin A, vitamin C  and vitamin E in addition to zinc and folate. A balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fat is contemporary to good skin. Moreover, the better your haemoglobin or simply said the better your blood levels the more blushed and glowy you will appear. Therefore, foods rich in iron for example apples and spinach are best friends if you desire blushed cheeks. Moreover, the antioxidant-rich juices that excrete out the toxins and neutralize free radicals are gold.


Hydration and supple skin go hand in hand. The better you hydrate the body, the more hydration will reach your skin. The better the hydration and therefore moisturizing, the softer is your skin.


A normal adult human requires 8 hours of sleep. This is necessary for the proper metabolism of our body and therefore indispensable for healthy youthful skin.


Exercise is the one cure to all human ailments. It increases the metabolism and therefore improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals in addition to enhancing the removal of wastes from the body in the long run it contributes majorly to healthy skin. One should walk at least 6 thousand steps a day for a healthy metabolism.

Daytime Routine


A good cleanse is necessary to remove all impurities from your skin. These pollutants accumulate and can harm the skin if not properly removed. A good cleanser would be one that is strong enough to remove these impurities while not stripping the skin of essential moisturizing and nourishing factors. Another important consideration is the maintenance of pH balance; a good cleanser does not disturb your skin's natural pH. Finally, always rinse your face with cold or warm water; hot water can dehydrate your skin. Coldwater is especially beneficial because it tones the skin and closes pores.


Cleansing has the effect of opening clogged pores. As a result, toner should always be applied afterwards. Choose toners that are alcohol-free and have hydrating or moisturizing properties. A toner removes any remaining dirt, oil, or cleanser residue, soothes the skin, and tightens the pores. It prepares the skin for layering products over this cleansed skin, therefore, ensuring better absorption and results.


Our skin requires plenty of hydration, and nothing beats a moisturizer for providing it and locking it in. A moisturizer will soften your skin, making it plumper and glowing. Massage the moisturizer into the skin so that the nourishment reaches the deepest layers, leaving it visibly fresher and moisturized.


Some can be used in the morning as well for added benefit. In case you are struggling with acne or blackheads try applying tea tree oil to the infected or near to be infected lesions. If you are someone struggling with painful acne lesions consult a dermatologist and apply the prescribed antibiotic as a part of your morning skin routine.


Sun is the most common cause of skin aging. In addition to preventing sunburns, sunscreen also minimizes skin disease risk. A broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects from both UVA and UVB radiation is the best choice for added benefit choose something with a lightweight formula and 24-hour protection for easier layering. Mostly an SPF50 sunscreen will protect you from average sun exposure.  You can choose non-comedogenic, oil-free or hydrating formulations depending on skin needs. No matter what you pick, remember to generously apply it.


Night Time Routine


Some people choose to double cleanse at night. Especially women who wear high coverage makeup during the day. However, that is a choice that should be made depending on your personal needs and may vary day to day. A nighttime cleanse is more important as it not only cleans the impurities that have layered up during the day, it also clears the field for nourishment during the night.


The standard for scrubbing is twice a week. I personally and professionally recommend scrubbing to be done at night. There are 2 reasons for my choice. The scrubbed of skin is temporarily more prone to damage therefore should be protected from the sun and other pollutants. Scrubbing at night lets your skin heal a few hours before it has to start fighting off these enemies again. Secondly, scrubbing can produce some redness and irritation which can cool off if you scrub at night 


Nighttime toner is equally important as the daytime one because the pores opened by cleansing have to be closed by a toner. Choosing a moisturizing toner as a part of the nighttime routine is recommended


Apply a generous amount of moisturizer at night. Moisturizer is the best healer of all skin ails be it sagginess or wrinkles. Let your skin recover by providing it ample hydration to recover throughout the night.


Serums are ideally applied as a part of the nighttime routine. There is a sea of options in this regard. Depending on the demands of the skin, treat your skin with a nourishing serum. A hyaluronic acid or squalene containing product might be chosen for dry dehydrated skin. If acne is an issue, start a retinol containing the product. However, start with a lower percentage of retinol and build up to a higher percentage over time. In addition, add a moisturizer for hydration, as retinol tends to peel the skin off. You might choose to use niacinamide and zinc if you are having difficulty with post-acne pigmentation. However, lactic and mandelic acid products may be opted for in case of the other types of pigmentation such as melasma and age spots.


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